Even if you’re new to the world of entrepreneurship, you must have read some blogs posts in your career. Regardless of your business plans, the blog should be an essential part of your marketing agenda.
It will help you share your ideas with different online audiences.
Also, running a blog will add to the SEO-potential of your website.
According to the stats published by the Social Media Today website, more than half of the first 200 companies from the Fortune 500 list have a public business blog.
So, if the big players realize how important their blogs are, smaller entrepreneurs should follow suit.
In this article, you’ll learn some handy hacks that will make your blog stand out from other similar online places.
Table of Contents
1) Insist on Authentic Content
No matter if you publish only your own blog bits or you allow for guest posts, it’s important to insist on authentic content.
You’re trying to establish your small business as a unique business identity. Therefore, it’s important that it brings as many original items to the market as possible.
Aside from products and services, this authenticity should be reflected in your blog content, as well.
For instance, you can publish an interesting success story about a business or a post that covers the current stats in your niche.
As for your own business, make sure to discuss how you deal with certain problems in your everyday work. While some articles and stories can have a more general tone, it would be great to provide your own solutions for the issues you’re talking about.
You can learn more about storytelling in blog posts in the article published by Yoast.
2) Take it Easy on Blog Ads
For small business owners, their blog most probably isn’t the main source of their income.
Nevertheless, some new members of the SMB-community might want to monetize their blog through ads. This is sometimes that many novice business owners try to achieve. And here’s why it might not be the best idea in the world.
Firstly, the main purpose of your blog should be distributing your professional ideas and solutions to the online audience. Also, you can permeate the blog with your unique business vision. Therefore, readers might find ads both irritating and annoying.
Secondly, you don’t want the readers to misinterpret the purpose of your blog. If you attack them with ads the moment they come to the blog, it will look as if you just want to sell something to them. As a result, they might not even pay attention to the content, but they’ll leave the area immediately.
Finally, if you focus on ads, rather than on your posts, you might neglect the quality of the blog posts. This may lead to a traffic drop, which could eventually affect your business as a whole.
You can read more about why it’s good to avoid ads on the blog section of a business website in the post published by SmartBlogger.
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3) Use the SEO Potential of the Blog
Apart from being your business showcase and a source of valuable business tips, your blog should represent your brand across the Web.
On the one hand, it’s important to offer something new and attractive to the readers who come to your website and your blog.
On the other, every blog post should contain links to other relevant and valuable bits of content. These links can be inbound links, leading to the sources on the blog and your website.
They can also be outbound links, which will take the readers to other websites and blogs. It’s imperative that you publish links either to the websites owned by renowned companies or to successful SMBs.
That way, you’ll visitors will treat you as a serious and reliable business player.
Also, when you’re planning your original blog posts, pay attention to the keywords you’re going to use. A rule of thumb is to use the benefits of long-tail keywords. By doing so, you’ll target a narrower target audience. What’s more, search engines are fond of these longer clusters of keywords since that way they can provide their users with more valuable and accurate information in SERPs.
Moreover, you can generate more traffic and reach a higher SEO-value if you enable comments on your blog. Of course, the main prerequisite for this function to work properly is to publish unique and useful content. That way, you’ll attract more experts from your niche to visit your website and leave comments below the posts.
You can find out more about the SEI-benefits of blog comments in the guide published by Search Engine Journal.
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4) Maintain the Visual Identity
When we talk about visuals, your blog shouldn’t be the black sheep of your website.
Preoccupied with their core business tasks, SMB-owners might not have enough time to deal with their blog. Also, they might not have enough assets to pay marketing pros to take care of that part of the website.
However, if the visual identity of your blog is significantly different from the rest of your website, it might confuse the readers, as well.
As explained by the logo design Houston specialists, every business brand needs to retain itsvisual identity throughout their website.
Therefore, your blog should also contain the recognizable visual elements that are typical for your business. What’s more, the organization of the website and the blog should be similar. That way, your visitors will have the same level of user experience in both vital segments of your business online presence.
So, make sure that your blog reflects all the visual aspects of your website, as well as the color organization.
In the guide prepared by GoDaddy, you can learn how to add a blog to a WordPress website and stay consistent in terms of visuals.
When you’re overwhelmed by dozens of daily business tasks, it’s not always easy to keep an eye on your business blog. However, there are numerous benefits of a well-organized and relevant SMB-blog. It’s your own publication where you can publish anything that can present your business in the best light.
What’s more, you can refer to other marvels of the industry in those posts or inspire them to leave comments on your blog.
All these benefits can play a significant role in boosting your business and making it a recognizable brand in your niche.
For all these reasons, take some time and apply our tips to launch an informative, up-to-date SMB-blog.
Author Byline: Liam Collins is a tech pundit and Web enthusiast working at TuiSpace.com. He spends most of his time reading and writing about the current affairs in the world of information technology. When he isn’t working, he likes going for long bike rides and walks in nature.